
经济全球化条件下高等教育的改革与发展 被引量:1

Reform and development of higher education under the condition of economic globalization
摘要 经济全球化,使我国高等教育在管理模式、人才培养、课程体系和教学内容等方面面临着诸多的冲击与挑战。高等教育必须抓住机遇,更新教育理念,树立高等教育产业化、多元化、社会化、国际化、人本化和网络化等理念;强化管理体制改革,兼顾宏观调控和微观搞活,建立多元化办学体制;深化教学改革,以国际化标准设置课程,改革教学方法,强调师生互动和现代化教学手段。 Economic globalization has brought about great influence on our higher education as well as the challenge to it in the aspects of management mode, personnel training, curricula system, content of courses and so on. It is of great importance that higher education should grasp opportunities to update educational concepts. It's also significant to accept the idea of making higher education industrialized, multi\|divisional, socialized, internationalized, humane and networking. Furthermore, the system reform should be strengthened in the ways of macro\|control and micro\|vigorousness, to establish multi\|sponsor educational system by taking measures of deepening education reform, designing international standard curricula, implementing methodology reform, emphasizing interaction between teachers and students, and adopting modern teaching methods.
作者 张淑敏
出处 《大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第4期64-68,共5页 Journal of Dalian University of Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 经济全球化 高等教育 改革 发展 economic globalization higher education reform development
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