石油化工生产工艺装置复杂 ,工艺控制参数苛刻 ,处理的物料大都具有易燃易爆等特殊的危险性。针对石化生产装置的共同特点 ,通过三套在线并列存在的炼油生产装置 ,从物料特性、工艺装置、工艺控制参数、操作控制等方面综合分析其火灾危险因素 ,并采用美国道化学公司火灾、爆炸危险指数评价法评估装置间的固有火灾危险 ,为消防安全设施的配置以及灭火预案的制定提供依据。
The working process of oil chemical production equipment is complicated and its manipulating parameter is accurate and the materials processed are of great danger. According to these characteristics, this paper analyzes the fire risk regarding three sets of operating refinery facilities, makes some assessments of fire risk by adopting DOW's fire and explosion index hazard classification code and provides some data for the fire prevention equipment and fire prevention planning.
Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force Academy