对于何为 艺术的真实 ,一直众说纷纭 ,传统 模拟说 所持的单纯描摹对象即 艺术的真实 的观点现在已被大多数艺术家否定 ,他们认为那种方法不过是表现了一些外在的东西 .而一些现代主义艺术家如马蒂斯 ,毕加索的作品看起来虽然不符合视觉所见之物 ,但因其准确地表现了物质的内在本质状态 ,也被认为是准确地表现了
For what is the 'Truth of art',the opinions always vary.The opinion that mere imitating the object is'Truth of art'that hold by'theory of imitation'is denied by most artists,they think that is merely expressed some extemal factors.Though the works of some modemistic artists such as Matisse and Picasso didn't accord with the reality,but because they have expressed the essential state of objects exactly,they are thought having expressed the'truth of art'exactly.
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