高校人事分配制度改革对高校体育教学中教师工作态度、工作量评定、队伍稳定以及体育课如何进行定性与定量评价等方面都会产生影响。因此 ,要针对以上几方面制定一套科学的体育教学和体育工作评价体系 ,充分发挥分配机制的杠杆作用 ,调动全体教师的积极性 ,开创体育教学工作新局面。
The reforms of personnel and distribution systems in colleges and universities have an impact on the physical education, such as on the working attitude of professors, the assessment of work loads, the professors satisfaction with their work and on how to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the physical education. Therefore, a set of scientific assessment systems should be worked out to bring into full play the function of the distribution system as a lever, and to arouse all professors initiative for the physical educaiton.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)