In this study, the analgesic dithydroetorphine hydrochloride (DHP) with controlledalow release was made by radiation induced polymerization of monomers at room temperature.The radiation effect on the actiyity of DHP was investigated before immobilizing. The differencebetween UV spectrum and IR spectrum of radiation drug was not obvious when samples wereradiated with doses less than 16.75 kGy. It is found that the structure of drugs did not changewhen radiation doses were less than 16.75 kGy at room temperature. The DHP can be used forimmobilization. In vitro the rate of drug release remained stable. In vivo test in the mouseshowed that the rate of analgesic was retarded for many days. The pathologic findings of thetissue surrounding the copolymers were also investigated by microscopy.
Radiation polymerization Immobilization Analgesic slow release