
固态相变材料的运动对熔化传热的影响 被引量:1

The Effects of Moving of Solid PCM on Melting Heat Transfer
摘要 在熔化过程中 ,由于相变材料的固、液密度不同 ,引起未熔化的固态相变材料下沉或上浮 .固态相变材料的运动对熔化传热过程有着重要影响 .利用润滑近似理论 ,推导出了未熔化的相变材料的运动速度的计算式 ,分析了相变材料的运动对熔化传热的影响 。 Due to the difference between the solid dens ity of phase change material (PCM) and the liquid density of PCM, sinking or flo ating of the unmelted solid PCM are encountered during melting. The lubrication approximations are used to derive the equation for calculating the moving ve locity of the unmelted solid PCM. An analysis of the effects of moving of solid PCM on melting is carried out. The effects of natural convection and moving of solid PCM on melting heat transfer are compared.
出处 《应用基础与工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 2001年第2期235-239,共5页 Journal of Basic Science and Engineering
关键词 固态相变材料 熔化过程 焓法 熔化传热工艺 计算方法 温度 润滑近似理论 phase change material, melting heat transfer, enthal py method, numerical analysis
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