生活在十九世纪维多利亚时代的英国作家爱米莉·勃朗特 ,浪漫热烈而多情 ,却清楚地认识到 ,所信仰的至真至纯的爱情在传统道德的束缚下无法生存。《呼啸山庄》作为她唯一的一部小说真实地反映了作者渴望浪漫爱情同时又无法摆脱社会现实的矛盾心理。爱情与婚姻 ,浪漫与现实的冲突在人类社会生活中是无法避免的。在这种矛盾面前 ,每一个社会中的人都难免会犹豫徘徊。这正是《呼啸山庄》所暗示的事实。
Emily Bronte, a British writer who lived in 19th century Victorian period, being romantic, enthusiastic, and sensitive, realized clearly that the truest and purest love could not survive under the yoke of traditional morality. Her only novel Wuthering Heights truthfully reflects the authoress's contradictory psychology in her desire for romantic love and her powerlessness in escaping social reality. The conflicts of love and marriage, of romance and reality in human life are inescapable. Facing such conflicts, all people might hesitate at the crossroads. This is the hint given by Wuthering Heights.
Journal of Anyang Normal University