目的 评价剩余分数在膀胱出口梗阻中的应用。方法 应用B型超声波检测仪及尿流参数自动检测仪对60名患有良性前列腺增生症的门诊患者(尿潴留及神经原性膀胱患者除外)进行排尿前尿量、剩余尿量及最大尿流率测定。分别用剩余分数、剩余尿量与最大尿流率作直线相关分析。结果剩余分数与最大尿流率呈负相关,且相关系数具有极显著意义(r=-0.3425,P<0.01),剩余尿量与最大尿流率也呈负相关,其相关系数具有显著意义(r=-0.2587,p<0.05)。结论 剩余分数值越大,膀胱出口梗阻愈严重,膀胱排尿功能愈差。剩余分数较剩余尿量更能准确地反映膀胱出口梗阻情况。
Objective To study residual fraction(FR)in the Madder outlet obstruction(BOO). Methods Sixty outpatients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were evaluated. The prevoid volume(PV),postvoid residual volume(PRV)and peak flow rate (Qmax)were estimated using ultrasound and uroflewetry. Linear de-pendance analysis of RF and Qmax,PRV and Qmax were conducted. Results Relative coefficient of RF and Qmax showed statistically significant difference (p<0. 05). Relative coefficient of PVR and Qmax showed a more statistical significant difference (P< 0.01). Conclusions The greater the RF is ,the more seriously the BOO is,and the poorer potency of bladder is. It is recommended that RF be used in the routine noninvasive evaluation of BOO instead of PVR.
Journal of Modern Urology