分别以 0 .0 1 %、0 .0 2 %及 0 .0 4 %浓度的环丙沙星给 4日龄海兰褐蛋雏鸡连续饮水 1 2d ,进行环丙沙星雏鸡人工中毒试验研究 ,结果表明 :0 .0 1 %组全程未见明显的临床表现及剖检病变 ,镜检免疫器官发育不良 ;0 .0 2 %组中后期出现轻微的神经症状及消化道症状 ,剖检肠黏膜脱落、肾肿、组织器官有轻微的变性、充血、出血病变 ;0 .0 4 %组中后期出现明显的临床症状 ,并发生急性中毒死亡 ,剖检及镜检出现广泛性严重的病理变化。
The ciprofioxains concentrations of 0.01%,0.02%and 0.04% were given to four days Hailanhe chicken for 12 days. It was shown that there were no clinical expression and dissection lesion ;but dyspasia of immune organa under microscopic examination was found in the 0.01% group. Slight nervous symptom and digestive system symptom,intestinal mucosa abscission,kidney swelling and slight degeneration,hyperemia and hemorrhage of some tissue organ in the mid-late period in the 0.02% group. Obvious clinical expressions, acute poisoning death and serious pathological lesions were widely found in the 0.04% group.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition