本文根据工程预算领域的实际情况 ,特别是结合中小型建筑企业的特点 ,运用数据库理论与技术以及构件技术 ,阐述了分布式数据库加锁与刷新构件的实现原理与实现机制 ,并将其应用到“造价工程师 2 0 0 4网络版”的研制开发中 ,取得了满意的结果。该分布式数据库加锁与刷新构件可以应用到系统中的各个模块中 ,具有复用性强、安全可靠、简单易用等特点 ,并在一定范围内推动了工程造价领域自动化、数字化的进程。
In this paper, according to the actual circumstance of the engineering cost realm, the principle and mechanism of distributed database's lock component is discussed combining the characteristics of the small and medium building enterprise especially ,and using database theories and techniques and technique of component,It was also applied to the development of “Cost Engineer 2004 network versions”.The satisfied result was obtained.It can be applied in the every module of system, which have some characteristics as follows, reuseing, safety credibility,simple,easy,and etc. It pushed forward the progress of automation, numeral turn in the engineering cost realm.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition