
铁路数据网格的构建及其关键技术研究 被引量:2

Research on constructing data grid of railways and its key technologies
摘要 在分析铁路运输信息化现状的基础上,指出实现铁路信息化所面临的问题,介绍了数据网格技术及其发展情况,对铁路数据网格的功能进行了初步探讨,并对构建铁路数据网格的关键技术进行了研究。 On the basis of analyzing the information actuality for China's railway transportation, the actual problems were pointed out to implement the integrated information. The development of data grid was introduced. The preliminary discussion was carried out for the function of railways data grid, and the key technologies were studied to construct the data grid of railways.
出处 《铁路计算机应用》 2004年第12期1-4,共4页 Railway Computer Application
关键词 铁路 数据网格 数据信息 技术 railways data grid data information technology
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