根据党的十六大有关精神,在全国全面实行奔小康工程。浙江省要求在2007年全省要达到 小康水平。实现这一目标的重点在农村,难点在欠发达地区。本文以浙江省苍南县括山乡为例,分析了 欠发达地区贫困成因,并提出了相应的对策,以促进欠发达地区的经济发展,使其早日脱贫奔小康。
In the light of spirit of 16th People's Congress, marching on towards well-off society program is performed all over the country. We are required to meet the standard of well-off society by 2007 in Zhejiang Province. To achieve this, we should focus on the countryside, especially the less developed regions. Taking Kuoshan township, Cangnan County, Zhejiang Province for example, this article analyzes the causes of poverty in this less developed region and suggests countermeasures, which is in hopes of promoting the development of this less developed region and helping it to shake off poverty earlier and building up a fortune.
Journal of Wenzhou Polytechnic