传统的词、句为主的教学模式在近几年逐渐被一种以语篇教学为中心、以培养学生交际能 力为目的、以发展学生英语运用能力为导向的课堂教学模式所取代。本文就语篇教学的优势、类型及其 实施等方面进行了探讨,以期抛砖引玉,共同商讨我国外语教学发展的新途径。
In recent years, the traditional approach of teaching English on the basis of words and sentences has been gradually replaced by a new approach which focuses on discourse and aims at cultivating language learners' ability of communication and practical use. This paper gives some discussions on the advantages, categories and application of discourse in TEFL so as to explore the new approach of foreign language teaching in our country.
Journal of Wenzhou Polytechnic