With North Bay to its west and Southwest China to the north, the Port offers the shortest routestonationsandregionsinSoutheastAsia,Africa,EuropeandAmerica. Atpresent, the Port has 33productiveberths, amongwhichthere are26 berths for vessels of more than 10000DWT. The port can handle, store and transship over 100 kindsof cargoesand goods, such as container, generalcargo,break bulk,heavyweightcargo, dangerousgoods,oiland chemical liquid,inadditionto offering ferrycrossing toHainan Islands. People of the Port are doing their most to accelerate the construction progress and develop the Port into a multi-functional, well-equipped modernseaport,a regionalandinternationallogisticscenter.
With North Bay to its west and Southwest China to the north, the Port offers the shortest routestonationsandregionsinSoutheastAsia,Africa,EuropeandAmerica. Atpresent, the Port has 33productiveberths, amongwhichthere are26 berths for vessels of more than 10000DWT. The port can handle, store and transship over 100 kindsof cargoesand goods, such as container, generalcargo,break bulk,heavyweightcargo, dangerousgoods,oiland chemical liquid,inadditionto offering ferrycrossing toHainan Islands. People of the Port are doing their most to accelerate the construction progress and develop the Port into a multi-functional, well-equipped modernseaport,a regionalandinternationallogisticscenter.
China Ocean Shipping Monthly