
勇气 风范 使命——萧友梅和黄自对中国作曲与作曲理论专业的启示 被引量:4

Courage,Artistry and Mission:Inspirations from Xiao Youmei and Huang Zi on Chinese Composition and Composition Theory Profession
摘要 在上海音乐学院院庆暨纪念萧友梅诞辰120周年黄自诞辰100周年研讨会之际,我想从作曲与作曲技术理论专业的角度,谈谈两位伟大的先行者和奠基者对我们后来者的三点启示:1.拓荒者的勇气;2.艺术家的风范;3.学者的使命。1.拓荒者的勇气萧友梅先生与黄自先生是中国音乐勇敢的拓荒者。中华民族悠久的历史长河中,有金声玉振的音乐,却无“作曲”(对萧友梅而言是Komposition,对黄自而言是composition)这个词和概念以及它所涵盖的现代观念、理论、实践及其发展。正是两位拓荒者“筚路蓝缕,以启山林”,才促成了“作曲”在今日之中国就如同在当今世界多数国家一样,是社会上一门独立艺术和一项职业,是高校一种含有综合技术理论的专业,是促进音乐艺术整体及各个分支领域不断发展的最重要最基本的实践,也是不同艺术不同文化(今天甚至可以是不同科技领域)之间的声音的纽带。2.艺术家的风范艺术家对于艺术,科学家对于科学,哲学家对于哲学,文学家对于文学,诗人对于诗歌,当然还有作曲家对于作曲,凡是无愧于伟大二字的,必然是鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。然而,对于做到了这一点的人,艺术、科学、音乐等等除了引领他与先贤圣哲的伟大灵魂进行对话以外,未必能许诺他这“伟大”的桂冠与权杖。唯其如此,人类文化那真理的上帝对于未来的“? On the occasion of the Commemorative Meeting Marking the 120th Birthday of Xiao Youmei and 100th Brithday of Huang Zi held at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music which was also celebrating its anniversary of founding,I would like to speak about the three-points inspirations that the two great masters and forerunners have provoked upon us in terms of composition and composition theory:1) the courage of a pioneer;2) the artistry of a musician; and (3) the mission of a scholar.1) The courage of a pioneerBoth Xiao Youmei and Huang Zi were brave pioneers of Chinese music. Chinese civilization can boast of its brilliant music but has not found in its history the word of'composition'('Komposition'to Xiao Youmei,but'composition'to Huang Zi) and its concept as well as the modern ideas,theories and practices that it covers. It is the great efforts of these two pioneers that have made composition an independent art form and a profession in China,just like many other countries in the world. It has now become a university major containing comprehensive technical theory,and a basic practice that promotes the development of the music art as a whole as well as it various sub-disciplines. It also serves as a link between different voices of diversified cultures (or even diversified sci-tech).2) The artistry of a musicianAny artist,scientist,philosopher,writer,poet and,of course,any composer,whoever wishes to become great,would have to spare no effort in the performance of his duty until the end of his life. However,no'great'laurels or wands would necessarily be offered to those who have achieved this by the art,science and music,etc. Only in this way can the God of human cultures proceed in his selection and audition for the great men to be. 3) The mission of a scholarXiao Youmei and Huang Zi were both composers,theorists and music pedagogues as well as music administrators and scholars. They had fulfilled,in their entire life span during those years of hardship,the mission as defined by J. G. Fichte. In contrast,we who are the successors of the cause created by Xiao Youmei and Huang Zi,should contemplate and examine our own conscience in serenity rather than simply feeling ashamed from time to time.
作者 朱世瑞
出处 《人民音乐(评论)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期13-16,64,共5页 Peoples Music
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