以一拟建的大型集装箱码头为主的港口为例 ,对包括临港工业区在内的集装箱码头后方物流园区进行了规划研究。分析了其物流的组成、流向和流量 ,对物流园区内的 7大功能区域的用地面积进行了分析估算 ,结合港口的地理位置 ,提出了 2个较为典型的总体平面布置方案 。
Giving an example of a port under construction mainly made up of intermodal container terminals, the author has studied the planning of the logistics zone including the near port industries behind the container terminals. A set of referential float-scales of the seven areas was given based on the results of the analysis the composing, directions and densities of the logistics flow A reasonable blueprint of the logistics zone is introduced after comparing two typical planning scenarios harmonized with the environmental and geographic aspects of the port.
Port Engineering Technology