国际一流船级社是CCS(中国船级社)几代人共同的梦想,也是中国 造船和航运界共同的期盼。梦想从哪里启航?CCS总裁李科浚上任 以来,旗帜鲜明地提出:“以‘技术立社’为本,进军‘国际一流船级社’”。“ 国际一流船级社”是CCS远景的目标和方向,“技术立社”是实景的路径和着力点。有了奋进的目标和方向,又有了达标的路径和方法,有理由期待,“国际一流船级社”对于CCS不再只是梦想......
To build into a well advanced international classification society has been the dream of several generations of CCS people and also the common expectation of the Chinese shipbuilding and shipping industries.However, where can the dream start to sail? Mr. Li Kejun clearly established that technology was the key for the Society to secure such undertaking since the day he took the presidency of CCS. Being an advanced international classification society is the prospective and orientation of CCS while using technology to develop the Society is the actual way and point to success. With both prospective and method to implement,we have every reason to believe that the realization of the dream will no longer be far from us.
China Ship Survey