
Detecting Objectionable Videos 被引量:1

Detecting Objectionable Videos
摘要 This paper addresses the problem of detecting objectionable videos, which has never been carefully studied before. Our method can be efficiently used to filter objectionable videos on Internet. One tensor based key-frame selection algorithm, one cube based color model and one objectionable video estimation algorithm are presented. The key frame selection is based on motion analysis using the three-dimensional structure tensor. Then the cube based color model is employed to detect skin color in each key frame. Finally, the video estimation algorithm is applied to estimate objectionable degree in videos. Experimental results on a variety of real-world videos downloaded from Internet show that this method is promising. This paper addresses the problem of detecting objectionable videos, which has never been carefully studied before. Our method can be efficiently used to filter objectionable videos on Internet. One tensor based key-frame selection algorithm, one cube based color model and one objectionable video estimation algorithm are presented. The key frame selection is based on motion analysis using the three-dimensional structure tensor. Then the cube based color model is employed to detect skin color in each key frame. Finally, the video estimation algorithm is applied to estimate objectionable degree in videos. Experimental results on a variety of real-world videos downloaded from Internet show that this method is promising.
出处 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期280-286,共7页 Acta Automatica Sinica
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of P. R. China (60121302)the National High Technology Research and Development Program of P. R. China (2002AA142100)
关键词 敏感视频检测 张量 皮肤分割 立方模型 反对视频估计 Image segmentation Internet Motion control Signal detection Video signal processing
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