

A Fast Block Matching Algorithm Based on R-D Optimal Criterion
摘要 运动估计中的块匹配算法已在各个视频编码标准中广泛采用。随着率失真准则的采用,尤其是在一些低比特率的应用中,传统的快速块匹配算法并不能很好的适合。该文提出了一种基于连续排除算法的修正算法。在率失真准则下,搜索区域中的须进行匹配计算的位置由一不等式限定。该算法的性能和全搜索算法一致,但显著减少了计算量。 The Block Matching Algorithm(BMA) for motion estimation has been widely adopted by various video coding standards.With the adoption of Rate-Distortion criterion especially in some very low bit rate applications,conventional fast match algorithms are not compatible well.In this paper,a modification on Successive Elimination Algorithm is proposed.The motion vectors are selected from a search window based on a rate-distortion criterion by successively eliminating the search positions depending on inequation constraint.The estimation performance of the proposed algorithm is identical to the performance of the rate-constrained full search algorithm,but considerable reduction its computation.
作者 余侃
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期93-94,170,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 运动估计 快速算法 块匹配算法 motion estimation,fast algorithm,Block Matching Algorithm(BMA)
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