由于更多人文主义的渗入 ,工业建筑摆脱了原有狭义的概念 ,向着综合化、多元化的方向发展 ,开拓着更广阔的领域。通过西安光机所的规划设计 ,阐述了理性与浪漫的设计理念及其在科技产业园规划设计中的体现 ,反映了工业建筑在向新型化发展的同时 ,更多的显现出科技与人文 ,理性与浪漫的双重性。
Because of much more penetration of humanism,the industrial buildings are gradually getting rid of the conception of narrow sense and develop on a way of synthesis and multielement,by which a wider field is being exploited.It is expounded that the design conception of rationalism and romance and its embodiment in the planning and design of scientific and technological industry garden under Xi′an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),using the planning and design of this garden.The dualism of technology & humanism and rationalism & romance is revealed more evidently by the industrial buildings during their developing a new way.
Industrial Construction