观察甲磺酸甲酯 (MMS)对酿酒酵母S2 88C细胞染色体DNA的损伤及端粒酶活性的调节。结果表明 ,甲磺酸甲酯引起酵母细胞DNA损伤 ,随着MMS浓度的增加及作用时间的延长 ,DNA损伤程度加重 ,同时明显提高酵母细胞端粒酶活性。当用 0 .4mmol/LMMS作用 72h后 ,端粒酶活性最高 (是对照组的1.4 7倍 ) ,在作用 96h及 12 0h后端粒酶活性逐渐下降 ,但均高于对照组。甲磺酸甲酯对酿酒酵母S2 88C细胞端粒酶活性的上调作用可能与其DNA损伤有关 ,断裂DNA的损伤后修复可能是端粒酶介导的。
Cell chromosomes DNA damage of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) S288C by MMS (methylmethanesulfonate) and its telomerase activity modulation were observed. The results showed that MMS caused the damage of SC cell DNA, the degree of damage deepened as the concentration of MMS increased and the prolong of the reaction time; at the same time the activity of telomerase significantly enhanced. The telomerase activity reached up to its high 72 h after the reaction of MMS at 0.4 mmol/L (1.47 times of the control group), then decreased gradually after 96 h and 120 h but still higher than the control group. Therefore, the up-regulation role of the telomerase activity might have relation with the SC S288C DNA damage response by MMS. The broken DNA repair after damage may be mediated and guided by the telomerase.
Journal of Microbiology