目的 探讨细胞间黏附分子- 1(ICAM- 1)基因K4 6 9E多态性与中国汉族人群心肌梗死(MI)发病率的关系。方法 采用巢式PCR技术对2 0 6例(MI89例)进行ICAM- 1基因K4 6 9E多态性检测分析。结果 基因型频率符合Hardy- Weinberg平衡,MI组和对照组KK、KE、EE基因型频率分别是37.1%、4 3.8%、19.1%和2 7.4 %、38.5 %、34.2 % ;等位基因K、E频率分别是5 9.0 0 %、4 1.0 0 %和4 6 .5 8%、5 3.4 2 % ,两组差异有统计学意义。回归分析显示,K等位基因、吸烟增加了MI发病的危险,并对MI的发生具有协同作用。结论 中国汉族人群存在ICAM- 1基因K4 6 9E多态性,ICAM- 1基因4 6 9K/ E多态性与MI的发病有关,K等位基因可能为其独立危险因素之一。
Objective To observe the relationship between inter ce llular adhesion molecule -1 (ICAM-1) gene 469K/E polymorphism and myocardial infarction(MI).Methods The ICAM-1 polymorphism of 8 9 patients with MI and 117 normal controls were genotyped by p olymerase chain reaction and allele-specific oligonucleotide techniques(neste d PCR).Results Genotype d istribution was in ac cordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.Genotype frequencies of KK,KE,EE were 37.1%,43.8%,19.1% and 27.4%,38.5%,34.2% in MI patients and controls res pe ctively.Allele frequencies of K,E were 59.00%,41.00% and 46.58%,53.42% in MI patients and controls respectively.The results of binary logistic regression analys is showed that K genotype and smoking enhanced the risk of MI,and that there was a synergistic action between K genotype and smoking that can influence the risk of MI.Conclusion ICAM-1 gene 469K/E polymorphism has a relationship wi th MI,and K genotype may be one of genetic factors influencing the risk of MI.
Shandong Medical Journal
山东省医学科学院基金项目 (No
2 0 0 40 5)