本文从民营企业家的角度对FDI管理知识溢出效应的存在性进行了实证研究。我们运用中国 1 997、2 0 0 0、2 0 0 2年三次全国民营企业抽样调查数据 ,通过回归分析、TreatmentEffect方法和有限因变量模型 ,研究了中国民营企业家在“三资”企业工作的经历对其企业的经营业绩和管理方法的影响。本文所得到的经验结果显示 ,在企业业绩的最终表现上 ,FDI对中国企业家有一定的培训效果 ,但效果不十分显著 ;同时在“三资”企业的工作经历会带给民营企业家某些、而不是全面的先进管理理念。我们认为要获得更加显著的FDI溢出效应 ,政府应当着眼于制定政策来扶持本地企业 ,通过公平竞争缩小他们与先进企业的距离 ,促使FDI在激烈的市场竞争中带来真正先进的管理经验和知识 ;并通过教育培训投入 ,提高本地管理者对外来的先进管理方法的学习能力。
This paper examines whether Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) brings managerial knowledge spillover in China. Based on a survey data set of China's emerging private sector, we compare firm performance, internal organization and some managerial practices between firms of two distinct types: those whose entrepreneurs have working experience in FDI firms and those not. We find there is no statistically significant evidence that entrepreneurs' experience in FDI companies lead to improvement in any of these dimensions. Considering the importance of managerial knowledge for economic development, we suggest host country of FDI take account of the transfer of managerial knowledge when designing government policies on FDI.
Economic Research Journal