survey of80 coalminers was conducted with 24 hours dietary retrospective survey,biochemical
examination and height and body weight measure,The results demonstrated that theaverage
intake of calorie and protein was more than 85%of RDA;that of Vpp,vB1 and iron(Pe)was
126.94%,147.65%and 251.50%;that of VC,VA,VB2 and calcium was lower,only 50.00%~80.65%,
The ealorie of protein and fat in daily diet was 10.88%and 30. 32%respectively.The proportion
of Pe from animal food was just 0.56%~3. 37%, The quality of calorie and nutrientintake of
workers was superior to that of caolminers.Average con tent of Hb,SOD ,total serumprotein and
uric VCmg/g inosine were as follows 113.6g/L,626.07 U/ml,7.59g/L and10.4mg/g, 85. 71%of
height and body weight exmained acheved medium and over medium grade of5th Class