传统的数据库安全解决方案的缺点是不能很好地解决以合法身份进行的恶意攻击,对具有不同安全需求的用户,只能提供固定的安全级别,造成资源浪费。它采用多级安全模型,即“用户+ OS + DBMS +事务级入侵容忍”,将冗余和多样性技术相结合,采用整体安全策略及面向服务的入侵容忍技术,实现数据库的可生存性、可用性及关键数据的机密性、完整性,能有效抵御以合法身份进行的恶意攻击,降低安全成本。
The traditional solution of database security has a drawback, that is , they can not deal with malicious attacks with legal identity. And they are in general not cost-effective to user who has different security requirements. It adopts multi-layer security model, namely 'user+OS +DBMS +transaction-layer intrusion tolerance', integrates redundancy and variety architectures, makes use of integral security strategy and server-oriented intrusion tolerance architecture, realizes the survive and availability of database and the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data, can effectively resist malicious attacks with legal identity and reduces the cost of security.
Computer Engineering and Design