在传统的纸质票的基础上,提出使用指纹识别身份的方法,达到同一张门票同一个人在同一天内可以进出联营的一个或多个旅游景点多次的目的。介绍了票务系统,阐述了其数据库的设计。系统使用Sybase 或Oracle 等大型数据库来实现,参加联营的多个旅游景点共享同一个数据库,设计的数据库可以采用分布式结构、C/S 结构、B/S 结构等。
A method to use fingerprint technology to identify people is put forward based on traditional paper ticket. The method can reach the purpose that one person can tour many joint venture sights many times using the same ticket in the same day. The ticket system is introduced briefly, and the main introduction is the design of the database. The system is realized by Sybase or Oracle DBMS. All the joint venture tour companies can share the database, so the application can be realized by distributed-structure, client/sever structure or browser/server structure.
Computer Engineering and Design