根据电流型温度传感器的输入输出关系,提出了一种基于V/T变换的温度测量新方法。用于远 距离的温度测量和控制,与已有的测量方案相比,具有更好的线性度和更小的误差,它对测量电路参数要 求不高,电路结构简单,电路中没有影响测量稳定性和产生零点漂移的元器件,温度信号被直接转换成二 进制代码,大幅度降低了测量过程中的噪声。测温精度优于0.1℃,分辨力约为0.05℃。
A new method of temperature measurement based on V/T is presented in this paper, and will be applied in remote temperature controlling and measuring,the new temperature measurement system has better linearity and less error than present temperature measurement system,it is still very available when some components are low precise in measurement circuits,and the circuits for measuring is simple,the output signal varying with temperature has been digitized for further processing by the computer,the noise are also reduced greatly because of no any amplifier, its error is less than 0.1℃,and can see a difference of 0.05℃.
China Instrumentation