目的探讨甘油—氢氧化钙糊剂治疗不可复性牙髓炎、牙髓坏死及根尖周炎的临床效果。方法对206例作根管治疗的患牙应用甘油—氢氧化钙糊剂消毒根管,1次封药完成根充者190例(92 2%);对120例牙髓病、尖周病患者,经根管制备后将甘油—氢氧化钙糊剂导入根管充填。结果经2年连续观察,有效率97 3%。结论甘油—氢氧化钙糊剂作髓腔及根管消毒,及其用于根管充填作根管治疗是一种有效的治疗手段。
Objective:To discuss the function of glycerol-calcium hydroxide paste in treating irreversible pulpitis,pulp necrosis and apical periodontitis and to observe its clinical effect.Methods:Root canals of206patients were disinfected by using glycerol-calcium hydroxide paste.The number of patients completing root canal hermetization in once was190patients(92.2%).The number of patients of pulp diseases and periapical diseases,who completed root canal hermetization with glycerol-calcium hydroxide paste was120.Results:After continuous observation of more than2years,the effective rate of treatment was97.3%.Conclusion:Using glycerol-calciumhydroxide paste in disinfecting marrowcavity and root canal and applying to root canal fillings is an effective method in root canal therapy.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health