
绒鼠属(Eothenomys Miller,1896)系统学研究概况 被引量:7

Summary of Systematic Study on Eothenomys
摘要    绒鼠属于1896年建立。针对该属有几个亚属、多少个有效种的问题 100 多年来一直争论不休, 一般认为该属有3个亚属: Eothenomys 亚属、Anteliomys 亚属, 和 Caryomys 亚属。部分人认为只有前两个亚属; 少数人认为没有亚属分化。至于该属的种类争论更大, 命名的种类多达 20 个, 但没有一人同时承认 20 个种, 比较多数人认为有11个种。我们通过研究该属部分种的阴茎形态学认为: 该属有 3 个亚属, 即 Eothenomys 亚属、Anteliomys 亚属、和 Caryomys 亚属。 The genus Eothenomys was founded in 1896 by Miller. How many subgenera and species in the genus have had different opinions in the past 100 years. Many scientists thought that the genus consisted 3 subgenera: Eothenomys, Anteliomys and Caryomys, but some thought only 2 subgenera: Eothenomys and Anteliomys, and very few thought no subgenus. How many species in the genus exists much disputation. 20 species had been included in the genus. But no scientist accepted all the species at the same time. Many scientists thought that Eothenomys included 11 species. The morphology of glans penis of some Eothenomys species was studied by us. We thought this genus including 3 subgenera: Eothenomys, Anteliomys and Caryomys.
作者 刘少英 刘洋
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期98-103,共6页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
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