
演化经济学:21世纪经济学的主旋律 被引量:7

Evolutionary Economics : The Theme of the 21st Century Economics
摘要 直到今天,许多人仍意想不到,新古典主流经济学统治地位的终结是冷战结束后的一个重要后果。21世纪上半叶的经济学又将重现19世纪下半叶经济学发展的“春秋战国时期”,而演化经济学的兴起将是这个时期的一个重要特征。但是,由于新古典主流经济学锁定了美国许多“顶级”大学的经济学院,演化经济学在美欧的发展仍面临着许多严峻的挑战,这就为中国经济学界的后来居上创造了一个重要的历史机遇。中国学者应该发挥血气方刚之气概与独立自主之精神,推动演化经济学在中国获得原创性的大发展。 Till now, plenty of people could not realize that it is a significant result of the ending of “Cold War” that neoclassic economics lost its dominating position. In the first half of the 21st century, economics will experience another dramatically changing epoch just as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States of economics happened in the late of 19th century, and the rising of evolutionary economics will definitely be the main characteristic of this coming era. But most of top economics colleges in American universities have been “locked-in” by the main-stream, neoclassic economics, and the expression and developments of evolutionary economics are still facing severe challenges both in American and in European countries, which offer a great historic opportunity for Chinese economists to catch up and surpass from behind. Therefore, Chinese scholars should achieve giant originated developments of evolutionary economics with their courage and independent thoughts.
作者 贾根良
出处 《天津商学院学报》 2005年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce
关键词 21世纪的经济学 新古典经济学 多元主义 演化经济学 中国经济学 the 21st century economics neoclassic economics pluralism evolutionary economics Chinese economics
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