目的 :探讨热休克蛋白 70 ( HSP70 )和糖调节蛋白 94( grp94)在人胃癌细胞BGC- 82 3中的表达及其意义。方法 :利用 En Vision免疫细胞化学、双抗体标记免疫荧光和流式细胞仪方法检测和分析人胃癌细胞 BGC- 82 3中 HSP70和grp94的表达及其与细胞周期的关系。结果 :胃癌细胞存在 HSP70和 grp94的高表达 ,免疫细胞化学显示 HSP70和 grp94主要定位于胞浆 ;免疫荧光法和流式细胞仪检测显示 HSP70的表达阳性率为 84.9% ,grp94为 79.7% ,与阴性对照组存在明显的差异 ;在整个细胞周期均存在 HSP70和 grp94的持续表达。结论 :胃癌细胞存在 HSP70和 grp94的高表达 ,在整个细胞周期 HSP70和 grp94均持续表达 ,其表达与细胞周期无明显关系。 HSP70和 grp94在人胃癌细胞中的表达特点为瘤苗的研究奠定了基础。
Objective: To study expression and si gnificance of HSP70 and grp94 in human gastric carcinoma BGC-823. Methods: Gastric carcinoma BGC-823 cell slide s were collected. HSP70 and grp94 expression was detected by immunochemistry, do uble-labelled antibodies immunoinfluresent. The relationship between HSP70,grp9 4 and cell growth cycle was analized by FACS. Results: Compared with controll gr oup, gastric cancer BGC-823 cells expressed high level of HSP70 and grp94,which were localized in cellular cytoplasm. DNA content analysis revealed that HSP70 and grp94 were expressed continuously throughout the whole cell cycle. Conclusio n: Human gastric carcinoma BGC-823 cells had high level expression of HSP70 and grp94 through the whole cell cycle. FACS analysis showed that there was no rel ationship between expression of HSP70, grp94 and cell cycle. The study on expres sion of HSP70 and grp94 in human gastric carcinoma BGC-823 will lay a basis for further research on anti-tumor immunotherapy.
Shaanxi Medical Journal
北京市青年科技骨干基金资助 (0 2 1 2 0 0 3 1 )