目的 分析发生心脏呼吸骤停的原因并找出影响心肺脑复苏成功率的因素。方法 应用Logistic多元回归分析心跳骤停患者心肺复苏及自主循环恢复 (ROSC)后影响存活率的有关因素。结果 单因素分析显示与心肺脑复苏及预后相关的因素有6个 :心搏骤停发生地点、CPR开始的时间、ROSC的间期、瞳孔、复苏后综合征、年龄等。多因素分析仅PRM有统计学意义。结论 在筛出的因素中显示心肺复苏成功关键是复苏开始的时间。复苏后MODS -复苏后综合征 (PRM)是影响心肺复苏自主循环恢复后存活率的独立因素。现场进行快速及有效心肺复苏是抢救成功关键。心肺复苏成功后重点应放在对各脏器功能的评估、支持、监护治疗上。
Objective To explore factors affecting cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation in patients with cardiac arrest. Methods Logistic regression analysis was applied to analyze the factors affecting the survival rate of patients with cardiac arrest after cardiopulmonary resuscitation and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Results 6 factors were related to the patient prognosis, including where the cardiac arrest took place, when the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) began, intervals of ROSC, pupils size, PRM (postresuscitation MODS) and age. multivariant analysis showed that PRM was the primary factor affecting the patients prognosis. Conclusion The time of taking CPR was the crucial factor affecting CPR success. PRM was an independent factor affecting the survival rate of the patients after ROSC. Rapid and effective resuscitation in the first place is the key to basic life support. More emphasis should be placed on the evaluation, monitoring and protection of the function of important organs after successful CPR.
Journal of Chinese Physician