从医学图书馆的形成与发展,对网络信息时代的医院图书馆进行SWOT分析,以识别医院图书馆的优势和劣势,机会和威胁,并提出优势-机会(SO) ,优势-威胁(ST) ,劣势-机会(WO)和劣势-威胁(WT)态势下医院图书馆的生存和发展的对策。
Hospital libraries in the network information times are analyzed using SWOT analysis to identify their strengths (S) and weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T) from the formation and development of medical libraries. Some countermeasures are proposed for the survival and development of the hospital libraries in the situation of strengths and opportunities (SO), strengths and threats (ST), weaknesses and opportunities (WO), and weaknesses and threats (WS) to find new ways for their survival and development.
Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science