Aim:To retrospectively review clinical manifestation of Ma-jiang epilepsy.Methods: 9 patients with Ma-jiang epilepsy were analyzed including medical data,follow-up records and laboratory examinations who visited our neurologic clinic from 1996 to 2003 .Results: 9 patients with the chief complaint of Ma-jiang induced seizures, the average age of onset is 55.22 ±8.2. the episodes of all cases were induced by playing Ma-jong. Among the 9 patients, six patients had generalized tonie-clonic seizures and three patients had partial seizures with secondary generalization. EEG were found normal in six patients , one had focal temporal slow activity and two had intermittent slow activity in the front of temporal regions. Neuroimaging studies of the brain were normal in six patients, one had lacunar infarctions, two had generalized atrophy, all patients had no family history of epilepsy and received anticonvulsant therapy. The attacks could be completely controlled. Conclusion: Ma-jiang epilepsy is one kind of reflex epilepsy.It is probably related to thinking and decision making while playing Ma-jiang, Ma-jiang eplepsy is easy control of seizures. In addition to anticonvulsant therapy, avoiding playing Ma-jiang may be essential in preventing seizures.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences