介绍基于在线信息安全管理的设想开发图书、论文管理系统,以实现信息学院资料室图书和论文的在线信息 安全管理。采用ASP技术和SQL技术开发完成信息安全系统,实现基于Web方式的图书管理系统。可以实现的功能包括: 根据权限的图书基本信息的查询,包括图书的作者、出版社、出版日期等基本信息;根据权限的图书借阅状态的查询,包 括已借出、在架、被预约;读者借阅信息查询,包括已借图书的信息、预约图书信息;网上图书预约等,实现了基于B/S模 式的资料图书和论文的信息安全在线管理。
Based on the online information safety management idea, especially develop the books, the paper information safety management system to realize the online management of books and paper in school reference room. This system uses the ASP technology and SQL technology to complete and realize the information safety management system based on web. It may realize the functions including basic information inquiry according to the jurisdiction, including books author, publishing house, publication date and some basic information; condition inquiry according to the jurisdiction of loan, in and appointment; the reader information inquiry of books and appointment, and online books appointment. The secure online management of B/S mode books and paper are realized.
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