对ADSPTigerSHARC101S的在最小二乘恒模算法中的应用进行了研究。首先介绍了最小二乘恒模算法基本 原理和权值迭代公式,然后介绍了ADSPTigerSHARC101S芯片的基本结构特征和他强大的功能,并简单描述了其相应开 发软件VisualDSP++3.0的功能及使用方法。给出了最小二乘恒模算法实现波束合成的具体流程图,在经过Matlab软件成 功进行仿真模拟之后用VisualDSP++3.0设计了DSP程序,用C语言嵌套部分汇编语言的形式实现了用ADSPTiger SHARC101S进行迭代求权向量的过程。
This article describes the application of ADSP Tiger SHARC 101S in the Least Squar Constant Modulus Algorithm(LSCMA). First it makes a general introduction for the basic theory of CMA, of which flow chart is presented detailed later, the formula of weight′s iterative and describes the basic feature of the chip′s configuration as well as its powerful function. After a seccessful computer simulation with the Matlab software, designs a program by Visual DSP ++3.0 to realize the course of weight vectors′ iterating with C language partially embedded by assemble language.
Modern Electronics Technique