运用灰色关联分析方法, 以保定市农业科学研究所2003年组配的6个杂交棉品系的比较试验结果为依据, 综合分析了各主要性状对杂交棉霜前皮棉产量的影响。结果表明: 各主要性状对霜前皮棉产量的关联程度依次是单铃重>籽指>霜前花率>衣分>每公顷株数>株铃数>黄萎病指>枯萎病指。
According to the comparison results of 6 cotton hybrid li nes developed in 2003 by Baoding Institute of Agricultural Sciences,the effect o f cotton main traits on the lint yield before frost was studied with the method of grey correlation analysis.The results indicated that the related degree of th e main traits with the lint yield before frost took the order as single boll wei ght>seed index>flower rate before frost>lint percentage>plant number per hec tare>boll number per plant>verticillium wilt index>fusarium wilt index.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences