
水网络优化设计柔性综合 被引量:1

Synthesis of flexibility optimal water network
摘要 水网络优化设计方法有夹点法和数学规划法,但都没有考虑不确定参数的影响,不确定参数的存在,可能使水网络超出其操作范围,影响到整个系统的运行。本文提出不确定性条件下水网络优化设计方法,即水网络优化设计柔性综合,应用多目标优化方法中的分层法,首先满足柔性要求,然后优化水网络,使设计水网络满足柔性要求且用水量最少。用示例检验设计出的水网络可以满足柔性要求且新鲜水用量最少。并用一示例加以说明。 The methods of optimal design of water network are conceptual approach and mathematical programming method. They all do not consider the affect of uncertainty parameter. A method of optimal design of water network under uncertainty parameter is presented. That is synthesis of flexibility optimal water network. Using multi-objective optimal method, the first is accounting for flexibility, then is optimal water network. Conceptual approach and mathematical programming method can solve it effectively. A case study demonstrates the method is effective.
出处 《计算机与应用化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期215-217,共3页 Computers and Applied Chemistry
关键词 水网络 柔性综合 优化设计 water network flexibility synthesis optimal design
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