通过问卷调查 ,实地调查 ,初步探讨影响我国普通高校排球教学俱乐部发展的因素 ,研究表明 ,排球教学俱乐部对场地、器材要求比较高 ,排球自身的技术较难 ,技巧性较高等原因制约着排球教学俱乐部的发展 ,适当降低排球技术要求 ,放宽比赛、规则尺拷贝度 ,培养校园文化 ,开展校际之间的比赛可以提高学生的学习兴趣和练习兴趣 ,有助于排球教学俱乐部的发展。
This article studies the factors which affects development of volleyball teaching club of normal university in our country.The study shows the volleyball teaching club requests higher playing ground and device.The technique of volleyball is difficult,which prevents the development of volleyball teaching club.Lower request of volleyball technique,loose game rules, cultivate school culture and hold the volleyball match among universities,which can increase the students learning and playing,and accelerate the development of volleyball teaching club.
Journal of Jilin Sport University