The in-situ instrumentation technique for measuring mercury and itsspeciation downstream a utility 100 MW pulverized coal (PC) fired boiler system was developed andconducted by the use of the Ontario hydro method (OHM) consistent with American standard test methodtogether with the semi-continuous emissions monitoring (SCEM) system as well as a mobile laboratoryfor mercury monitoring. The mercury and its speciation concentrations including participate mercuryat three locations of before air preheater, before electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and after ESPwere measured using the OHM and SCEM methods under normal operation conditions of the boiler systemas a result of firing a bituminous coal. The vapor-phase total mercury Hg(VT) concentration declinedwith the decrease of flue gas temperature because of mercury species transformation from oxidizedmercury to particulate mercury as the flue gas moved downstream from the air preheater to the ESPand after the ESP. A good agreement for Hg°, Hg^(2+) and Hg( VT) was obtained between the twomethods in the ash-free area. But in the dense particle-laden flue gas area, there appeared to be abig bias for mercury speciation owing to dust cake formed in the filter of OHM sampling probe. Theparticulateaffinity to the flue gas mercury and the impacts of sampling condition to accuracy ofmeasure were discussed.