干宝里籍,自《晋书》本传目为“新蔡人”,一千六七百年以来,已成为学术界的不刊之论; 当代学界各种辞书、典籍、文学史著作,亦众口一词,予以认同。此文则以丰富翔实、确凿可信的文献史 料,动摇了河南新蔡的陈说,确立浙江海盐的新见。结论当为:河南新蔡是干宝的祖籍,自其父莹仕海盐, 举家迁徙;逝而卒葬,并存冢墓焉。海盐遂为干宝之籍贯。
Since Gan Bao was described to be a Xincai citizen in Henan in Book of the Jin Dynasty over a thousand and six hundred years ago, Xincai Henan has been believed to be his place of origin beyond dispute in the academic community,including contemporary dictionaries, ancient books and records and literature history books. This paper rebuts the statement and proves Haiyan Zhejiang to be his native place based on abundant reliable historic references. It is concluded that Xincai Henan was Gan Bao's ancestral home. His father Ying was appointed to be an official in Haiyan, so the whole family moved there. At last he died and was buried there, so Haiyan was his native place.
Journal of Jiaxing University