沈曾植文名、诗名、书名并重一世,在晚清学术界居于领袖地位。他是清季书法最后之大人 物,又是民国书法的启迪者。该文在介绍沈曾植生平与治学经历的基础上,阐述了其既重考证及相关的历史 渊源关系,亦重书法的形质与情理的书学思想,进而概括了其书法艺术的成就。
Shen Zengzhi is well known for his poems, articles and calligraphy. He was a prominent master of calligraphy in late Qing Dynasty and a pioneer in the calligraphic community in the Repbulic of China (1912-1949). The paper gives a brief introduction to his life and academic career, expounds that his views on calligraphy were based on textual research and history. He attached much importance to the form and quality of his calligraphic workings and endued them with much emotion. At last, the paper summarizes his calligraphic achievements.
Journal of Jiaxing University