The reasons of Chinese Stock Market for a tragedy of the commons inclue: the leap development strategy of Central Administration Authority, which violates the sustainable development discipline of stock market; the interests of local governments and industrial management authorities eroding the total market benefits;the plundering of PLCs catabolizing stock market function, and severally imperiling the market foundation; the morality crisis of intermediate organs resulting the damnification of both efficiency and equality; the opportunism policies of related organizations endangering the development environment of stock market. The countermeasures to end stock market's tragedy of the commons fundamentally and superficially are put forward in this paper such as adjusting the orientation policies and thoughts of stock market development; forming the detached status of Securities Supervision Committee;making the property (or management) right of stock market common resources transparent and concentrative;setting the securities law system, which aims at protecting the interests of market investors, to regulate the behaviors of various market.
Commercial Research