目的 观察经肛门镜下吻合器痔切除术(PPH)痔上黏膜环切术治疗重度内痔的安全性和实用性。方法 采用强生公司生产的环形吻合器对 26例Ⅲ、Ⅳ度内痔进行手术治疗。结果 手术时间平均 20min,所有病人吻合均一次成功,脱出肛门外的痔或直肠黏膜全部回缩,无术后大出血、肛门狭窄、大便失禁发生。主要并发症为尿潴留 5例(20% ),疼痛 4例(15% )。结论 PPH痔上黏膜环切术治疗重度内痔与传统手术相比具有更符合生理要求,手术简单、恢复快、并发症少等特点。
Objective To summarize the safety and effectiveness of the stapled prolapsectomy(PPH) in treating severe hemorrhoids. Methods 26 cases of Ⅲ、Ⅳdegree hemorrhoids underwent mucotomy, using PPH. Results The average operation time was 20 min . The result of all patients was satisfying; correction of hemorrhoid prolapse was apparent, and the follow-up months showed no hemorrhage. Main complications included urine retention 5cases(20%) , and pain 4 cases(15%). Conclusion PPH mucotomy is a simple, effective and safe method in the treatment of internal hemorrhoid.
Journal of Medical Forum