洛阳分公司Ⅱ套重油催化裂化装置原来能耗较高,通过实施工艺技术改造、设备更新以及操作条件优化 等一系列节能措施后,2003年装置能耗降到2 649.83MJ/t,首次实现装置达标,2004年装置能耗进一步降到 2 561.06MJ/t。目前装置在节能降耗方面仍存在不少问题,如余热锅炉炉管腐蚀和积灰严重、装置热联合利用率低 等,节能潜力仍很大,应采取进一步的措施。
Energy consumption of the serond RFCC unit in Luoyang Company is higher and the energy conservation measures such as process revamping, equipments renewal and operation conditions optimization have been adopted. Energy consumption of the unit was reduced to 2 649. 83 MJ/t in 2003 and firstly reached the set standard. In 2004, the energy consumption was further reduced to 2 561.06 MJ/t. However, problems such as serious corrosion and dust deposition in furnace tube of waste heat boiler and the low heat integration utilization rate still exist in energy conservation, so further energy conservation measures ought to be adopted.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering