本文探讨了阴离子对电絮凝浮选处理钻井废水的影响,研究表明:外加盐类能提高处理效果,不同阴离子盐类影响不同,Cl-较SO2 -4的效果好。电絮凝浮选处理钻井废水时应适当地向废水中加入一些NaCl,这样,即能提高溶液的电导率,降低电解电压、电耗和能耗,提高电能效率和电压效率;同时,Cl-的存在又能防止、减缓或消除电极钝化,保证阳极正常溶解和电絮凝浮选处理废水的正常进行。
This paper has studied the effects of anion on drilling wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation-flotation process.The results show that the treatment effect can be enhanced by adding salts into the wastewater,and there are different effects of different anions,and the chloride ion can enhance the treatment effect better than the sulfate ion do.When we add some sodium chloride into the drilling wastewater during electrocoagulation-flotation treatment.It can improve the conductivity of electrolyte solutions,power efficiency and voltage efficiency,and reduce the electrolysis,current drain,energy consumption;moreover,it can prevent the electrode from passivation, and it can ensure anode dissolved normally and ensure a normal operation of wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation-flotation.
Chemical Engineer