目的 研究重组人白介素11(rhIL-11)对中子照射小鼠小肠上皮损伤及细胞周期的影响。方法 采用裂变中子照射小 鼠模型,观察rhIL 11对照射后小鼠小肠上皮形态、隐窝细胞坏死和细胞增生的影响,用流式细胞仪检测小鼠小肠上皮细胞周期的变 化。结果 rhIL-11治疗和预防给药可通过促进小肠隐窝细胞增殖使肠损伤得到迅速修复。照射后小鼠小肠上皮细胞发生明显的 G2期阻滞,rhIL-11治疗可明显提高S期细胞比例。结论 rhIL -1对中子照射小鼠小肠损伤具有防护作用,并能够影响细胞周期的 变化。
Objective To evaluate the effect of rhIL-11 on radiation injury to the intestinal epithelium and cells cycle of intestinal epithelial cell in mice irradiated with 3.5 Gy neutron. Methods The morphology of the small intestinal epithelium, crypt cells necrosis, and cell proliferation were observed of the epithelial cells of the irradiated mice. Cell cycle of the epithelial cells of the small intestine of the mice was examined by flow cytometry. Results rhIL-11 pretreatment before and treatment after irradiation could accelerate the repair of small intestinal mucosa in irradiated mice. G 2/M block which occurred in the irradiated small intestinal epithelial cells and the rhIL-11 treatment might significantly increased the proportion of cells at S phase. Conclusion rhIL-11 could significantly exert a preventive effect on the small intestine against radiation injury in neutron irradiated mice, with an impact on cell cycle of the intestinal epithelial cells.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
军队医学科研"十五"计划指令性课题资助项目(编号 01L019)