
一种不对称公钥数字水印算法 被引量:3

An Asymmetric Public Key Digital Watermarking Algorithm
摘要 为了更好地进行版权保护,针对现有数字水印算法存在的缺点,提出了一种新的不对称公钥水印思想,并首先指出目前用于版权保护的鲁棒性数字水印算法所存在的缺点和不对称公钥水印算法的优点,然后提出能克服这些缺点的不对称公钥水印算法思想;同时根据算法模型的需要,设计了一种新的具有较好相关特性的伪随机序列,并对其自相关特性进行了证明;最后具体描述了所提出的算法实例,并进行了仿真试验。试验结果证明,该算法思想是可行的,所设计的算法实例具有较好的鲁棒性和较强的抗攻击能力。 A novel asymmetric public key algorithm of robust digital watermarking, which has more potential value in practice, is proposed in this paper. First, the disadvantage of common robust watermarking algorithm is discussed, and the advantage of asymmetric public key watermarking algorithm is described. Then, a kind of asymmetric public method is proposed. To implement the method, a special pseudorandom sequence used as watermark is designed. The construction method of pseudorandom sequences is proposed, and the pseudorandom sequences’ correlation characteristic is proved. Furthermore, the detail of asymmetric public key algorithm is proposed. Finally, experiments are done. Experimental results show that the algorithm is robust enough against attacks of the commonly used image processing methods. Also, experimental results show that the algorithm is robust to malicious attacks.
出处 《中国图象图形学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期354-359,共6页 Journal of Image and Graphics
关键词 公钥 数字水印算法 鲁棒性 抗攻击能力 版权保护 算法模型 设计 伪随机序列 自相关特性 不对称 digital watermarking, public key, pseudorandom sequences
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