
基于低绩效归因的惩罚程度研究 被引量:3

Research on the Degree of Punishment Based on Poor Performance
摘要 员工的低绩效是任何一个企业都无法回避的。若不对低绩效员工实施有效和适当的惩罚,将不仅使得这些员工的低绩效得以延续,还会影响其他员工的士气,进而影响整个团队和组织的绩效。本文在对员工的低绩效进行归因的基础上,以情感反应为切入点,分析各归因情形下所应实施惩罚的轻重程度,以期望为管理低绩效员工提供一些借鉴。 The problem of employees'poor performance is inevitable for any company.If the managers don't punish these employees suitably and effectively,this problem will go on.Moreover,it is possible that the morale of other employees will be depressed.Thus it may influence the performance of the team and the company.This paper is to apply attribution theory to analyze the causes which result in employees'poor performance.Then,this paper analyzes affective response the paper expounds the degree of punishment in the case of every attribution,expecting to guide the work of punishment.
作者 林锋 罗瑾琏
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期56-61,共6页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
关键词 低绩效 归因 情感反应 惩罚 poor performance attribution affective response punishment
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