目的采用大剂量尿激酶球后注射治疗眼底病引起的玻璃体出血,使出血迅速吸收,便于临床观察眼底,治疗眼底疾病。方法用注射用水1ml 溶尿激酶1万 u 加2%利多卡因0.5ml 进行球后或半球后注射,隔日一次。结果90%的患者有明显疗效,视力不断提高,10%的患者无效。结论大剂量尿激酶球后注射的方法促使90%玻璃体出血的病人出血迅速吸收,方法简单、方便、安全有效。
Objective To use retrobulbar injection of high dose Urokina-se for vitreons hemorrhage caused by in favor of examining eye- ground eyeground diseases,so as to hemorrhage could be absorbed guickly and treatting the disease.Method urokinse 10,000U dissolved in wa- ter for injection with 2% Iidocaini hydrochloride 0.5ml to be used for retrobular or peribulbar injection every other day.Results 90% of patients had significant effects with increasing vision 10% of patients showed no effects.Conclusion Retrobulbar injection of high dose Urokinase promoted hemorrhage absorption in 90% of patients.It was simp-le and safe with effective.
Bulletin of Medical Research